These are the latest greatest new assignment from my Advertisement class, or at least that's what I call it, it's technically called: ADVERTISING CONCEPTS & DESIGN
Most of our projects however are magazine layouts and ads in magazines, so to make it easier to say to anyone who asks, it's my advertisement class. Anyways, here are a few more ads.

When the project was assigned, we were told to take the product and do a 'metaphor' comparing it to something else, and at the time, sitting at home pondering what I should do it on, two products popped into my head. One was Cheetos, I happened to be polishing off an entire bag after dinner, the large puffs are so easy to eat in multitude, and by the end, I had orange fingers, so colored I could have painted a picture with them. So I wanted to incorporate the side affect, in a positive way, the cheeto itself, curled like a smile and the orange fingerprints as the eyes, Cheetos make me smile, and a lot of others I'm sure. "Finger Lickingly Good"

After I had eaten my fill of orange cheesy puff heaven, I usually put some Chap Stick on my lips before I go to bed, especially now with the cold weather, they crack and break, and just last week it was bad enough my lip bleed. I love Chap Stick, its great, its reliable, and it's medicated magic on my lips. It keeps them from turning into an alligator like you see above, so there was the idea. Prevent alligator lips with Chap Stick.
Most of our projects however are magazine layouts and ads in magazines, so to make it easier to say to anyone who asks, it's my advertisement class. Anyways, here are a few more ads.

When the project was assigned, we were told to take the product and do a 'metaphor' comparing it to something else, and at the time, sitting at home pondering what I should do it on, two products popped into my head. One was Cheetos, I happened to be polishing off an entire bag after dinner, the large puffs are so easy to eat in multitude, and by the end, I had orange fingers, so colored I could have painted a picture with them. So I wanted to incorporate the side affect, in a positive way, the cheeto itself, curled like a smile and the orange fingerprints as the eyes, Cheetos make me smile, and a lot of others I'm sure. "Finger Lickingly Good"

After I had eaten my fill of orange cheesy puff heaven, I usually put some Chap Stick on my lips before I go to bed, especially now with the cold weather, they crack and break, and just last week it was bad enough my lip bleed. I love Chap Stick, its great, its reliable, and it's medicated magic on my lips. It keeps them from turning into an alligator like you see above, so there was the idea. Prevent alligator lips with Chap Stick.
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